
Cambridge Conservatives Coalition

Profits First, Cambridge Second


Who We Are...

The Cambridge Conservatives Coalition (CCC) was founded by local neighborhood homeowners and exists for the sole purpose of blocking progress and maintaining the status quo. We stand for nothing other than to stand in the way. We use legitimate concerns and movements such as environmental and historic architecture protections to thinly hide our ulterior motives. We stand with marginalized groups to the extent that it doesn’t conflict with our primary goal of maintaining the power of older white homeowners.


We are very aligned with the Cambridge Citizens Coalition and who they are, but we’re not going to list all of the things we say we care about as they did because it’s just too much stuff.


Although we’re primarily an organization that protects the power of older white homeowners, all are welcome to donate to us. We pledge that every dollar you donate will be used to spread propaganda and lies. Click here to give us your hard-earned cash that would be better used on just about anything else.


City Cycling Report 2023


The Bicycling in Cambridge 2023 Data Report is out. We are disheartened to say it shows positive trends in bicycle use in the city. Let's put a negative spin on it.

Read More About Cycling Report

AHO 2.0 (Un)Likely Impacts


We have a bunch of concerns about unlikely impacts, but they'll sound more likely if we make a big fuss about it.

Read More About AHO 2.0 Concerns

Land acknowledgement

We acknowledge that Cambridge sits on land our ancestors stole from the Massachusett people. However, we make no call to action or provide any resources or information on how to learn about their culture or support their decedents. Whatever. We made better use of their land anyway. We’re certainly not giving it back.